Architect from the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (2011) he is the member of the creative team with more years of experience and is now our Project Coordinator, so everything goes through him!
Restless, idealistic and disconcerting, this cat lover has a curiosity that makes him passionate about all creative areas, which is why architecture appears on his horizon due to the transversal character of its interdisciplinarity.
After attending the architecture course, this belief is deepened by the study of architecture as a phenomenological event based on the adaptation of archetypal systems to the uniqueness of the territories in which they are inserted.
Since joining the .XPRESSION office (2014), he has focused on continuous synergistic learning, typical of teamwork between colleagues, technicians and customers.
In recent years, as a result of an expanded team and the maturing of knowledge, management and law in the field of architecture have become essential in the way in which it daily accepts the challenges of this fascinating area, which it executes with a brio that is difficult to match.
It is governed by the saying “who goes to sea, flies on land” and is our captain on the high seas and our lighthouse in the midst of great storms!

Architect from the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of Lusíada University of Lisbon (2011) and CEO of the .XPRESSION office.
In the year in which he concluded the course, he set the goal of creating his own brand in the world of architecture, a challenge that he embraces with the same initial conviction and enthusiasm to this day.
Thus, he began to work on the first projects alone or in collaboration with other offices, having also competed in several competitions that shaped and prepared him for the market of our profession.
In addition, between 2016 and 2017 he studied business management at the Business Clinik School in Lisbon, which brought him the first foundations in the world of managing companies, people and clients.
Only in this way, with its creativity and spunk, did it attract and integrate employees who shared his vision, making our team grow.
In addition to the general coordination of .XPRESSION, Gonçalo also has the Financial, Construction and Administrative Coordination of Specialties in our office.
He is the first paragraph and the end point of each project and the founder of today's unmistakable .XPRESSION language.
He is the face of our team and we all feel well represented by his unparalleled charisma, companionship and honesty!

Architect from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (2018), she debuted at .XPRESSION in the same year she completed her master's degree.
Before that, still as a student, she participated in the international workshop Lifelong Program - TESS Territorial Empowerment and Social Sustainability , at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (2014), having been expanding skills in the area of urban planning and design.
Between 2016 and 2017, he also had the opportunity to participate in interior rehabilitation projects, greatly influencing a particular taste for the area of Rehabilitation.
After the internship she developed with us between 2019 and 2020, she immediately showed great professionalism and aptitude in the management of city council processes, assuming today a great responsibility as Process Coordinator of .XPRESSION.
Rita is the voice of this office and the one that welcomes our customers and partners the most when they contact us, so it's always easy to recognize her energy and sweetness when she answers the phone saying: “.XPRESSION, good morning, speak to architect Rita!”

Architect by the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (2016), .XPRESSION was his first home since 2017.
He has been one of the great sculptors of the unique language of our office, with his creative practical vision of the spaces he designs, being one of our wonder kids.
3D modeling has always been very present in her academic career, a taste that took shape with workshops in Cinema 4D and V-Ray, which she completed while studying.
He brought these skills to .XPRESSION where he skillfully develops not only architectural spaces, but also their simulation in digital modeling and 3D images.
In addition to the various trips that opened up his creative horizons, André has a huge taste for motorsport and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with him at that speed!
He is a born creative and holder of a humor to which it is impossible to remain indifferent!

Architect by the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (2017), she is the most recent member of our team!
In fact, his professional career began early on at .XPRESSION, in a summer internship (2013) where he collaborated in the development of a project for the Central de Cervejas in Vialonga.
In addition, he participated in competitions such as Saint-Gobain + Lusíada 4 and XXVI Pladur Competition - Your imagination has no limits , interned at the architectural firm ALX.solutions and again at .XPRESSION between 2017 and 2018.
Between 2018 and 2020 she worked as an architect at Fundação Minerva – Cultura, Ensino e Pesquisa Científica and now she is back to stay!
She is our employee responsible for the Logistics Coordination and Administrative Coordination of Specialties together with our CEO.
Having gone through several professional areas, from real estate to Coaching, he uses several tools that improve his performance in dealing with clients and promoting brands.
She is a woman for all tasks that fills us with unparalleled good energy every day.

Architect from the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (2018), he is our most consulted expert in construction.
Having entered the architecture course in 2006, he interrupted his studies to emigrate to France, where he acquired much of his knowledge and experience in the public works sector.
He returned to Portugal and resumed his studies in 2016, finishing in 2018, the year in which he participated in numerous projects where he developed another skill for which we all recognize him today in the office: he is our master model maker!
In 2019 he finally joined .XPRESSION, where he has been growing ever since as an architect and creative.
In addition to an immense talent and taste for drawing, to which he dedicates himself in his spare time, João is an extraordinary father and reconciles the artistic life of architects with the great responsibility of creating a family, mirroring his solid values and maintaining always faithful to its origins full of nature.

Architect by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (2020) is the latest master in our team.
In 2018, his taste for “the less traveled paths” took him to the doors of .XPRESSION even when he was a student and here he found a studio where the “unconventional” is the norm.
With a huge interest in 3D technologies, he likes to bring to the world the most surreal ideas that his hardware allows.
Bruno has a particular taste for the concept of objectivity but he is also easily fascinated by ambiguity, and it is this balance that attracts him to the world of architecture!
He is a kid with a talent that grows every day, with innovative ideas and harmonious shapes, in addition to having a great appetite for new technologies and software, with an inspiring spirit of change and evolution!
He's our youngest senior talent, with a contagious good energy and always willing to help!

Architect by Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon (2019), she entered the office in 2020 with a new spirit of change!
With a thesis on programming languages in architecture, she traveled to the other side of the world to present her scientific publications and, although she did not pursue a career as a researcher, she sowed a taste for computers and software.
Along with his interest in communication and branding, he joined .XPRESSION with the proposal of a new image for the office, having taken on the responsibility of reformulating the way we present ourselves to our clients in all aspects of communication.
More recently, she embraced another fundamental change in the way the office works, with the transition from the CAD paradigm to BIM, being our BIM Coordinator in the making!
She is a girl of many trades and never stops in one place!

Environment Designer from the Escola Superior de Artes e Design do Politécnico de Leiria (2012), he sought to reconnect to his training by joining the .XPRESSION team in 2021.
After completing his course, he bought a one-way ticket and went to study English and work in London, where he stayed for a year and a half.
From there he flew to Dubai where he lived for 4 years and traveled around the world as a Flight Attendant, a career that later continued in Portugal until 2020.
He visited 3 continents and more than 70 countries and today he brings us references of each one he fell in love with to inspire our interiors and environments.
A perfectionist by definition, Cibele is responsible for bringing the personality of each client to the way spaces are decorated and planned, designing unique pieces of furniture and decoration that bring life and comfort to the last dimension of architecture, inhabiting.
It's one more of our good energy lights and without a doubt we are sure it was the right bet!

With almost 30 years of experience in the administrative, financial and human resources areas, we all went through Sofia before joining .XPRESSION in 2016, the year she joined the team.
Before that, he had an outstanding professional career, working in large communication companies such as Rascunho Design, Slingshot and Kontraluz, and no other place was more home than .XPRESSION.
Until 2021, she was responsible for the Logistics Coordination of the office, in addition to ensuring the proper functioning of the Financial Department, having played a leading role in the evolution and growth of our brand.
To this day, Sofia continues to play an essential role in the Financial Coordination of the office.
She is a woman with an enviable organization and a firm and motherly pulse, who puts us all on our toes with immense affection!

Graduated in Business Management from Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa (2010), he has worked as an accountant and consultant for .XPRESSION since the beginning of our company, even when it was only formed by our CEO, in 2011.
He took a second degree in Auditing, Accounting and Taxation at the same University and since then he has been building a very rich and complete services curriculum.
After completing his second degree, opened its first Consultancy office, NMC, in Torres Vedras in 2012, and has everything ready to open a second one in Santa Cruz, in January of the next year.
Despite not belonging to the .XPRESSION face-to-face team, Nelson is part of a backstage of remarkable importance, so it is his professional, perfectionist but uncomplicated and positive spirit that makes our internal management cogwheels stay in place and oiled!